Why should you use plastic C&I packaging with recycled content?

Using recycled material in plastic C&I packaging offers many environmental, economic and social benefits. By investing in sustainable practices and promoting a circular economy, companies can help preserve natural resources, reduce plastic waste and tackle climate change.

Better use of natural resources.

Using recycled material reduces the demand for virgin raw materials needed to make new plastic packaging and preserves our planet’s limited natural resources.

Save energy.

Producing plastics from recycled material generally consumes less energy than producing plastics from virgin raw materials. By using recycled material, you can reduce the energy consumption to produce C&I plastic packaging and thus help reduce your carbon footprint.

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

By using recycled material in C&I plastic packaging, your company contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from mining, transporting and processing new raw materials. Every tonne of recycled plastic reduces CO2 emissions by 3.03 tonnes.

Encourage the circular economy.

The use of recycled content encourages companies to collect more selectively by boosting demand for secondary raw materials. It also stimulates the development of recycling opportunities and creates a positive impact on local employment.

Comply with CSRD reporting.

CSRD reporting, mandatory as of the reference year 2024 for stock-exchange listed companies, consists of collecting, measuring, analysing and communicating information on a company’s economic, social and environmental impacts. On the environmental front, companies must report on their performance, including their greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, waste management, use of natural resources, commitment to renewable energy, etc.

Anticipating legislation on the obligation to use recycled content.

In its draft text of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, the European Commission imposes the use of 35% recycled content in all industrial plastic packaging from 2030 onwards.

Testimonials from clients who use plastic packaging with recycled content.



FNAC Vandenborre


Popular believes about recycled plastics.

Can you sort out the truth from the false in the following questions?

  1. Recycled plastics are no longer recyclable
  2. Recycled plastics are of lower quality
  3. Recycled plastics have no environmental benefits
  4. Recycled plastics have no economical benefits
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Recycled plastics are no longer recyclable


Shrink films are almost infinitely recyclable thanks to the new technology. Just as in the paper/cardboard recycling process, it will be sufficient to add a quantity of virgin material during each cycle.

Recycled plastics are of lower quality


The quality of recycled plastics is comparable to that of virgin plastics. Thanks to the new technology, it is of equivalent quality to virgin material. For example, shrink hoods made from recycled material also meet European loading safety standards.

Recycled plastics have no environmental benefits


By using recycled plastics, you are contributing to the circular economy. Every tonne of recycled plastic film avoids the production of 3.03 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of 36 truck journeys from Brussels to Ostend.

Recycled plastics have no economical benefits


By using recycled plastics in our commercial and industrial packaging we also boost recycling in Europe and local job creation.