Back Groupe Barbier Contact information Address La Guide 43600 Sainte Sigolene France Active since22/12/2022 Phone+33471751111 Certificates LNE - Valid until 29/03/2025 Sales Belgium The Netherlands Luxembourg United Kingdom Ireland Denmark Marcel Sear (Export Manager) +32475641467 Products list Film Approved Name Type of product Thickness (µ) % PCR Stretch film manual 17 30% Barstretch FT 30%PCR Stretch film machine 17 30% Recypalst 50 Shrink Tube Shrink Tube >= 80 50 Recyplast 30 FFS Packaging film FFS 50 or more custom as of 30 Recyplast 30 shrink hood Shrink hood 50 or more 30 Recyplast 30 shrink tube Shrink Tube 50 or more 30 Recyplast 30 Shrink tube Shrink hood 50 or more 30 Recyplast 30 strech hood Stretch Hood 50 or more 30 Recyplast 50 FFS FFS >= 50 50 Recyplast 50 Shrink film Shrink Film >=35 50 Recyplast 50 Shrink Hood Shrink hood 80 50 Recyplast 95 Shrink Film - 70